Edinburgh Restorations

London isn’t our only UK city that loves our vents.

Across the border into Scotland and we’ve a huge portfolio of restorations using our cast iron vents and air bricks.

We took a trip up to Edinburgh to see how they were getting along, most notably along the Royal Mile, the department store of Jenners and a property on Moray Place, the longest continuous terrace in Europe!

Other previous customers properties of note are properties on regents street including the building inaurgerated by the former French president Charles de Gaule after the second world war and now the Scottish French Free house https://www.cockburnassociation.org.uk/openedinburgh/scottish-free-french-house/

IMG 3782 IMG 3780 IMG 3774 IMG 3775 IMG 3783 IMG 3790 IMG 3791